What do we do at TLC Recovery?
Feeling like everything is TOO MUCH to deal with ?? We felt that way at frst. We at TLC Recovery (TLCR) know what it’s like. We can help guide you through some of the rough spots.
Feeling like everything is TOO MUCH to deal with ?? We felt that way at frst. We at TLC Recovery (TLCR) know what it’s like. We can help guide you through some of the rough spots.
We teach Life Skills. As our minds and bodies grow in recovery, so do the number of responsibilities: Shopping, Laundry, Work Schedules, Probation Requirements, Meetings, Relationship Pressures, Legal Issues, Childcare, and more. We at TLCR work to help you become better equipped to ease the pressures and handle essential tasks.
Job Search. Finding a job while in recovery from addiction and mental illness is not easy. Employers can be concerned by: Felony Drug Convictions, Loss of License, Lack of Experience, and Probation. TLCR can lead you to a work situation with an employer who appreciates the efforts you’re making.
Computer Training. We know how hard and intimidating it can be to get the computer practice and skills you need. TLCR has on-site computers you can use to learn and practice new skills at your own pace and with assistance from the TLCR support staff.
Housing. Need to move into a new place ? Need to find a place ? Our team has years of experience in helping members secure housing that meets their needs. Our team will assist you with securing housing through local organizations and property management companies that support our recovery community, including those who offer rapid interim transitional housing after incarceration or treatment facilities.
Budgeting & Banking. Many of us had trouble saving money until we learned to create a budget. TLCR’s support team will help you make your own budget and help you open up your own checking and savings accounts. Did you have problems with “bad” checks in the past? TLCR will connect you with banks that support TLCR Members who are committed to recovery.
Pregnant & Scared? Those of us who were in your situation also felt scared, but we stayed committed to a totally CLEAN pregnancy. Our children were born surrounded by support. We at TLCR can show you what we learned and help you get all of your special needs covered.
GED/College? Many of us started our recovery without a GED. TLCR can help you enroll in GED training programs, and you may be able to get GED testing for free. Many of us never thought going to college was possible, but we were wrong. If you decide to join those of us in college, you might qualify for a PELL grant to pay for your school, even with a drug conviction. TLCR can guide you from GED to college.
Recovery and Skills Training Groups. Our skills training groups at TLCR help Members develop the skills necessary to create a lasting recovery for themselves. We also host open Recovery Groups to assist you as you integrate into our Recovery Community as you grow in your recovery. TLCR BHT/Peer Staff members are with you all the way, and we share honestly about our feelings, without fear and without judgement.
Counseling Groups. At TLCR, our BHT/Peer Support Facilitators provide various counseling groups to fit your needs. These include Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) and Relapse Prevention. So if you want to have the benefit of these groups in your Center, without having to travel, we are here for you.